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The data browser allows users to view and filter data and metadata, visualize and share it or download it in various formats (csv, excel).

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Key facts

Only 44% of children

attain minimum proficiency in mathematics by the end of primary school.

Being in school does not guarantee that a child receives high-quality education. In fact, in many countries, the data shows that children learn very little. Globally, four in ten students do not meet minimum proficiency levels in reading by the end of primary (SDG 4 Benchmark Indicator 4.1.1). Even fewer achieve basic skills in mathematics, with less than half (44%) meeting minimum proficiency levels at the end of primary.

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72% of countries

still invest less than 1% of GDP in R&D

The proportion of global GDP invested in R&D stands at 1.93% in 2021. While Europe and North America, and Eastern and South-Eastern Asia spend 2.59% and 2.33% of GDP on R&D respectively, representing the highest level across the regions, most of the developing regions fall short of the world average, spending less than 1% of GDP on R&D. For instance, it ranges from 0.33% in Sub-Saharan Africa to 0.98% Northern Africa and Western Asia.

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Over one in ten

adults have not acquired basic literacy skills

The ability the read and write is fundamental to personal enrichment and to participate fully in economic and social life. Yet over one in ten adults – over three quarters of a billion people - are unable to understand a simple text.

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Data insights

Latest data release


Total data points: 6,636,108
Indicator count: 3,456
Last update: 05/09/2024
September 2024 Data Release


Total data points: 6,081
Indicator count: 31
Last update: 25/11/2023
November 2023 Data Release

Science, Technology and Innovation

Total data points: 18,247
Indicator count: 12
Last update: 28/02/2024
February 2024 Data Release

Demography and Socio-Economics

Total data points: 317,460
Indicator count: 35
Last update: 05/09/2024
September 2024 Data Release

Key features


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Browse for indicators in the field of Education, Science, Culture and Demographics and discover available disaggregations. Add indicators to your selection to investigate them further.
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Visualize and customize

Filter selected indicators by country or region and visualize them using line or bar charts to gain more insights about their development and performance over time.

Evaluate metadata

Gain a deeper insight into the data by exploring the metadata provided for each selected indicator or browse through the glossary for terminology and definition.
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