Terms and conditions
The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) encourages the use of its data, publications and other products for informational purposes only. All contents on this website are protected by copyright. By accessing the UIS Data Browser website and using any content found therein, you (the “User”) acknowledge that you have fully read and understood, and agree to be bound by, these Terms of Use. The UIS may update these Terms of Use periodically.
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The information available on this website has been posted with the intent that it be readily available for sharing and reproduction, in part or in whole, and by any means, without charge or further permission unless otherwise specified.
The work of the UIS is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
In using UIS data you must give appropriate credit to the UIS using the following format: Source: (If appropriate "Adapted from") UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), complete URL, date of extraction.
In citing UIS publications use the following format: (If appropriate "Adapted from") UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS), title of the publication, complete URL, year of publication.
UIS databases are subject to updates and revisions on a regular basis. Therefore, it is important to include the date of extraction when citing UIS Data. Users are required to exercise due diligence in ensuring the accuracy of the materials reproduced.
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Website links
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Questions and comments
If you have any trouble finding or interpreting UIS Data Browser data, please send your requests and questions to uis.datarequests@unesco.org. We also welcome your suggestions and ideas for using or facilitating access to our data.