Data services
Data API
The Data API facilitates programmatic access to the data within our Data Browser. It allows users to efficiently retrieve data at regular intervals to inform custom analysis, data visualizations and applications.
Visit the API portal
Bulk Data Download Service
The Bulk Data Download Service (BDDS) allows users to download aggregated UIS datasets as flat files.
Visit the Bulk Data Download Service page
SDG 4 Indicators
The official list of SDG 4 indicators compiles all global and thematic SDG 4 indicators and includes benchmark indicators. It is also available in the 6 official languages of the United Nations: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish.
Official list of SDG 4 indicators
Official list of SDG 4 indicators in 6 UN languages
Methodological Documents
As the official source of cross-nationally-comparable data on education, the UIS has the mandate to develop the methodologies, standards and indicators needed to achieve SDG 4 on education and key targets in science and innovation, culture and communication.
This section compiles the latest metadata documents for SDG 4 indicators (including benchmark indicators) and Other Policy Relevant Indicators (OPRI). The metadata files include the following elements: definition, purpose, calculation method, interpretation, type of data source, disaggregation, data required, data sources, quality assurance, limitations and comments.
Metadata of Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG 4) Indicators
Metadata of Other Policy Relevant Indicators (OPRI)
Metadata of Sustainable Development Goal 9.5 and SDG 11.4 Indicators: SDG 9.5; SDG 11.4
Metadata of Other Policy Relevant Indicators (OPRI) – R&D
UIS Glossary
The UIS Glossary includes statistical terms related to education, science, technology and innovation, culture, and communication & information. Some of the entries contain translations in one or more of the following languages: Arabic, English, French and Spanish. Other entries provide more detailed information, such as definitions, calculation formulas for indicators and sources. Indicators are marked with an asterisk (*). This is a dynamic tool, which is regularly updated by the UIS.
See the UIS Glossary
Additional resources
This section provides links to additional resources and tools used to monitor SDG 4. Information on each is provided below.
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)
The ISCED microsite provides information on national education systems classified according to ISCED 2011, the internationally agreed comprehensive framework for classifying education programmes and related qualifications, allowing cross-country comparisons of education systems and the production of cross-nationally comparable data.
The microsite includes information on ISCED-T on teacher training programmes and reflects the work of the ISCED committee which reviews the ISCED classifications and country mappings and identifies areas for further development. The microsite also hosts country diagrams illustrating the structure of national education systems based on mappings provided by Member States.
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED)
Education Management Information Systems (EMIS)
This microsite is dedicated to Education Management Information Systems (EMIS) and aims to facilitate strategic decision-making, policy formulation and budgeting, and, if possible and relevant, routine management at district level, in helping schools and ministry of education in better managing education. It also seeks to address the needs expressed by representatives of national EMIS units, Members States, partners and key stakeholders.
The site includes guidelines for the implementation and operationalization of EMIS. It makes available tools, UIS surveys and reports, in addition to a repository of national EMIS from around the world.
Education Management Information Systems (EMIS)
SDG 4 Scorecard Dashboard
The UNESCO SDG 4 Scorecard dashboard visually displays progress towards countries SDG 4 benchmarks. Coordinated by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics and the Global Education Monitoring Report, it tracks national benchmarks for various education indicators to address accountability gaps. The dashboard provides data on countries' targets for 2025 and 2030, highlighting areas of progress and setbacks in achieving these benchmarks. It also offers downloadable reports and related resources for further insights.
Country profiles
Country profiles are produced by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics and include the diagram of the national education system, school age population by education level, available data and trends for education indicators from 2010 to 2022, and national benchmarks for 2025 and 2030.